University Woods

**Please note that this schedule is representative of the typical calendar. Actual programming may vary.

University Woods Life Enrichment


Core & Balance

Oaks Meeting/Exercise Room
**Note: Wednesday class takes place outdoors** A stronger core promotes better balance as the core contributes to both pos-tural control and the ability to shift one's weight. A variety of balance and core strengthening exercises are featured.

Shopping Outing

Mondays - Woodmans, Walmart, West Towne Mall; Tuesdays - HyVee, Trader Joe's; Wednesday - Metcalfe's West, Aldi, Target/Pick & Save

Exercise Video on Channel 900


Adaptation & Intention

Oaks Meeting/Exercise Room
The human body is an adaptation machine that adjusts to the stimuli it encounters. Class explores several variables that can be manipulated to create positive, manageable movement habits while avoiding classic pitfalls of typical fitness routines. May include occasional floor-based exercises. 2 M 10:30am Balance & Bands Oaks Ex Rm Standing and seated band-based exercises that strengthen muscle groups

Sitting Chi

Oaks Meeting/Exercise Room
Chi is synonymous with energy which is what you'll get from this class. Full range-of-motion and muscle activation exercises to improve your flexibility, decrease your injury risk, energize your body, and calm your mind.

Exercise Video on Channel 900


Strength Training

Oaks Meeting/Exercise Room

Oakwood Yarners and Stitchers

Oaks Community Room
Are you a knitter? Or have you ever wanted to learn to knit? Then, come join this group for a great time of knitting in community. The social aspect of knitting in a circle of friends keeps the spirit strong. The Oakwood Yarners meets year round and works to create prayer shawls for residents and staff of Oakwood, & hats, scarves and mittens for local charities. Supplies provided or bring what you are currently working on.

University Woods Shuttle Schedule

Oakwood provides free bus service to area shopping centers and grocery stores.

Mondays: Woodman's, WalMart, West Towne Mall

Tuesdays: Hy-Vee & Trader Joe's

Wednesdays: Metcalfe's West, Aldi, Target, Pick 'n Save

Please note you must sign up ahead of time to ride the bus.

The Oakwood bus will pick up at Heritage at 9:00am and at Tower at 9:15 am.